Monday, December 15, 2008

Head lice. Prevent it!

Oh no!!!! He came home with head lice. The not so pleasant side effects from school going kids.
We went thru the whole process: shampoo EVERYONE in the house, comb, comb, comb for hours only to realize that there were too many nits so .... Haircut!
Piles and piles of laundry, putting stuffed animals in bags, spraying carseats, furniture and worst of all: call people we had been in contact with in the past week.
How could I not have recognized the scratching? Somehow or rather we told ourselves it was dry scalp.
My son was hysterical thru the whole process. Didn't matter what we said, he felt terrible.
When we got to Europe a couple of weeks later friends and family were stunned that we cut off his beautiful curls and then they asked me if I had not used the Bag. What Bag??
Much to my amazement I found out that kids in Europe put their coats in something called a Bug Bag. It's a sort of garment bag that has a patented seal on top. Kids simply put their coat in it every morning when they go to school. It's safe, chemical-free and child-friendly but most of all .. preventive!! The Department of Health recommends it and in most schools it's part of the school supply list. You buy it once and it lasts for years. It has dramatically reduced the cases of headlice. I was shocked! Never even heard of it. Needless to say my son is using one and if had known about this product, he would have been using one all along! Anything to prevent this nightmare. You can find them on
If I had known about

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